Download/Export/Backup: Overview

October 20, 2024 vers. 1.0


Download files locally and to the cloud to keep them safe, to use them in other software, and to take them with you.

A writer can never have too many backups.

Downloads can also show you something about your writing in a text or data format that you can't see anywhere else. Quick review text data in HTML.

What this Tutorial Covers


Storyfyre supports you and your need to download your writing and work in text and text data formats, so you can easily use it with other software and in other places.

Use your text data, writing, and story information wherever you want.

From any Storyfyre area you want.

Storyfyre Download

Download/back up frequently to save local text backups of important changes in any areas you want and backups you can take with you to be safe.


  • Download to use in other software.
  • Back up your writing text locally, or store in the cloud to keep a safe copy.
  • Download a story writing template, to use to get a fast start in your writing software.
  • Download a text backup copy to store in the cloud.
  • Download a text-based data file. View quick review text data.
  • Download a WriterStat file(.ws)(Coming in next version).
  • Turn on automated/integrated cloud backups for each area.(Select in your account).
  • Open a WriterStat file(.ws)(Coming in next version).
  • Download as Microsoft Word, PDF, or HTML for easy conversion on the web to any format you want for your writing software (More internal formats also coming soon).
  • Use directly in other WriterStat writing software to get an even faster head start in your story writing. Story data and any changes automatically sync across all your WriterStat writing software.

Get Started

Open the Download Panel by selecting the download icon from any Storyfyre area toolbar.

Storyfyre Scene Map Toolbar

Or select Download from the Storyfyre Top Menu - Area Quick Menu.

Storyfyre Area Quick Menu

You can also open the Download/Open Panel from the Left Side Hover Action Menu Button in the top left corner of the Top Menu.

(Or on larger screens where the left hand menu is displayed, you can select Download/Open from the Left Side Hover Action Menu.)


Download exports and downloads the Storyfyre area you are currently in based on the options you select.

Storyfyre Download Panel

Download Options

Download (Area) - Area displayed that will be exported and downloaded. (Example: Scene Map, Scene Outline View, Characters View, Story Settings View + World Rules etc...)

Download To - Where the file will be exported and downloaded to. When local is selected, file will be downloaded to your device's set download directory. (Example: Local, Cloud Backup, WS Backup)

File Name - Name of the file downloaded to. (Defaults to projectname-areatype-year-datetime)

Download Style - Style of export/style of the data inside the file. (Example: Data, Text, File)

  • Data: exports data in a data text style format.
  • Text: exports text in a writing template style format.
  • File: exports as a WriterStat(.ws) data backup format. (For use in future versions)

Download Type - Type of file downloaded. (Example: Microsoft Word, PDF, HTML)

  • MS Word: Microsoft Word file.
  • PDF: Adobe PDF file.
  • HTML: HTML file.

We used these download types because they can be easily converted on the web into the largest volume of other file types to be used in other writing software. As well as being easy to cut and paste from. Microsoft Word is the industry publishing standard.

Downloading to HTML allows you to use Storyfyre for all kinds of different writing and writing project things. And for converting.

Download: A Story Writing Template:

Map, plan, outline, organize your story.

Quickly get the story right, after you've written it or before you do.

Then download a writing template and fill it in. Storyfyre doesn't steal the joy of writing it adds to it.

It keeps the writing momentum going, allowing you to write well.

Download: A Story Writing Template

Download: A Text Data File:

Text Data Files save your story and story bible information/data in a quick view condensed data way.

They show you something about your writing in a way/format that you can't see anywhere else.

A fast way to view your story, story bible, characters, story settings & world/story rules.

Saved as HTML allows you to view in a web browser.

Download: A Text Data File

Download: Cloud Backup:
Saving backup files to the Cloud, either to your own cloud area like Dropbox, Google Drive, or Microsoft OneDrive or other. Or setting your account to use the automated, integrated backup here for Storyfyre.
Download: Cloud Backup

Open: WriterStat Transportable .ws Backup File
Open a WriterStat(.ws) data backup file either from a local backup area, your own cloud area, or the automated, integrated online backup here for Storyfyre.
Open: WriterStat Transportable .ws Backup File


Let us know of any limits within the Download/Export/Backup: Overview, that you discover and we'll include them in the next update.

More integrated files types available in our following versions.

Storyfyre is growing daily, let us know what we can include. We appreciate your help.