Scenes Outline: Work Area Navigation

October 26, 2024 vers. 1.0


All the Scenes Outline navigation and functionality is found right inside the Scenes Outline work area.

Storyfyre Origin Scenes Outline

What this Tutorial Covers


A few things to get you rolling.

  • You can add/create, edit, move, remove, order/reorder any items in the Scenes Outline work area in an outline format. Any changes will also automatically be reflected in your Scene Map.
  • Chapters are displayed/added vertically in the Scenes Outline work area.
  • Scenes-text-beats are displayed/added vertically under Chapters.
  • Arrows in the Scenes Outline work area hide or display specific items/descriptions to help you focus on the Scenes Outline.
  • Bullet points in the Scenes Outline work area allow you to move an item(drag and drop) and if you click on a bullet point they display a bullet menu to open, close, and complete the area/item(s).
  • Ellipse buttons in the Scenes Outline work area display an item's ellipsis menu where you can edit the item and add items to that area(Chapter or Scene-Text-Beat).
  • Clicking on an item's title/text in the Scenes Outline work area selects that item and allows you to edit that item.

Get Started

Storyfyre Origin Scenes Outline

* Click or touch(touch) and hold a bullet point, drag and drop it to where you want it.

Storyfyre Origin Scenes Outline: Chapter

* Click and reclick an arrow to open and close an area or description/text.

* Click an item's bullet point to view the bullet point menu, open and close areas or complete that item or area(selecting complete draws visual line through items).

Storyfyre Origin Scenes Outline: Bullet Point Menu

* Click an item's ellipsis button to view the item's outline menu. To edit that item, and to add items to that same area, Chapter or Scenes-Texts-Beats.

Storyfyre Origin Scenes Outline: Chapter Outline Menu

* Click on a chapter's or scene-text-beat's title/text to edit that item.

Storyfyre Origin Scenes Outline: Chapter

* Chapters can't be placed/dragged inside other chapters, only scenes-text-beats can be placed/dragged inside/under chapters. Chapters can only be placed/dragged above or below other chapters.

* Tip: To easily drag chapters, close all chapters using the bullet point menu, drag chapter where you want, and then reopen the chapters you want to work on.

* Scenes-text-beats can only be placed/dragged inside/under chapters or to be under other chapters.

* Any changes are automatically updated/reflected in the Scene Map/Story Map/Story Bible and vice versa.

Scenes Outline: Work Area Items

The navigation for each area found in the Scenes Outline Work Area will be explained below.

The Scenes Outline contains the following:

Scenes Outline: Chapters
Add/Create, edit, delete, manage, move and order Chapters.
Scenes Outline: Chapters
Scenes Outline: Scenes/Text/Beats/Sections
Add/Create, edit, delete, manage, move and order Scenes/Text/Beats/Sections.
Scenes Outline: Scenes/Text/Beats/Sections


Let us know of any limits within the Scenes Outline: Work Area Navigation, that you discover and we'll include them in the next update.

We will be taking feedback on the Scenes Outline: Work Area Navigation in this version.

Storyfyre Origin is growing daily, let us know what we can include. We appreciate your help.