Welcome To Storyfyre

October 20, 2024 vers. 1.0


Storyfyre is created for discovery writers/pantsers who like to write first, but plotters like it too. It will help you create amazing stories faster, better, and in less time. While keeping the fun and interest high.

All our software is created to help you finish more stories, faster.

What this Tutorial Covers

Ready to level up your writing capabilities, while still having fun doing it?

Storyfyre helps you understand your story after you've written it, while writing it, or before you write it.

It helps you plan/map and book bible your story after any draft or before any draft, your choice. So you can complete a better book, fast, while including all the fun of creation.

Understanding your story, getting the best story, after you've written it or before you write it helps you write better, create better stories, have more cohesive stories, write faster, and finish more stories.

All you have to do is explore the story and find the right words.

Storyfyre is part story mapping/story planning software, part thought process software, part story bible, character bible, and story setting bible, and part compartmentalized/organized writing software.

Level up your writing. Make better use of your writing time and thought time while keeping all the fun of writing.

Can anyone use it?

Whether just starting out or a professional author, whether a discovery writer/pantser who writes first or a plotter who plots first, anyone can use it at any time during their draft process, as much or as little, and on any draft to benefit.

Don't try to keep everything in a story in your head.

We find the more you use it, the more ways you will find to use it.

Best of all it's a blast to use and makes writing and creating stories fun and fast.

How do you use it?

We'll get into more specifics in the Storyfyre Overview, coming up next in the tutorials.

But suffice it to say, you'll use your writing and thought process and our software to give you a head start after, during, or before in your writing drafts. And in finishing all your stories.

Whether you've already written the story and need to get a handle on it after the first draft, or before you write the first draft, while you are writing a draft, or before you publish it, or even to get it ready before you do beta reading, or for any drafts in between.

You can use Storyfyre to publish better stories, faster.

Storyfyre Basics

  1. Get True Focus ~ Select a background image ~ On Top Menu click ellipsis, select Personalize, select image/no image.
  2. Visually Map, Plan, Describe Your Stories, after you've written them as a discovery writer/pantser, or before you've written them as a plotter, or during, after, or before any draft. And see the changes in them in real time. Drag/add chapters, scenes, beats, anywhere at any time.
  3. Create your book bible to clearly see your story. End to end. To write faster with fun. To finish more stories and to finish hard to finish stories.
  4. Reorder your story any way you want, at any time. Take a look at it, a think on it, then reorder it again if you want. Until you know it's the right story.
  5. Drag around, scenes, scene descriptions, story beats, chapters, ideas, thoughts. Add, rearrange, track plots, storylines, characters, story arcs, character arcs and more. Either visually or in text, in the way that best fits you. Until the story fits, is right.
  6. Create and think through your story points, arcs, characters, story settings, world and story rules.
  7. Learn and think through your story from end to end after you write it. So you aren't too close to it to see it.
  8. Use your story think time and story bible constructively, so all you have to do is write.
  9. Let the process help you finish more stories, clear stories. Find areas/things that need to be added or removed, after you write it or before you do. While having more fun in your writing and effective think time.
  10. Remove writer's block and procrastination. By using our software to fix or create, so you know what you need to do next. In a fun, fast way. Write chapter or scene goals or beats.
  11. Use what you've created - in the rest of our software and keep writing or export/download it into your favorite writing software as a writing or rewriting template, giving you a fast start.

There's a lot more you can do with Storyfyre and its Scenes View, Characters View, Story Settings and World Rules View, and there are many more features than that. So let's get started.

Everything you need and nothing you don't. Time to have some fun in writing!