Characters: Toolbar

October 20, 2024 vers. 1.0


The Characters Toolbar is the navigation hub in the Characters area and gets you to where you need to be.

Storyfyre Characters View: Toolbar

It also lets you scroll the characters view by clicking-holding/touch-holding(mobile) and fast scroll to the beginning and end of the characters view by double clicking/double tapping the scroll buttons.

Storyfyre Scroll Buttons

It contains the ability to quick filter the characters view and drill down on the Character Type, user custom tags, and character tags. More filters available in the Filters Area.

Storyfyre Character Type Button

On the toolbar you can change the layout of the Characters work area, and select different view styles, Attributes View, Characters View, and X-Small View.

Storyfyre Attributes View, Characters View, X-Small View Buttons

A combination of filters and view styles should give you any view of your characters that you need to see.

Our goal is to enhance the writing experience for every author. Fixing your view of your character and character writing thought process fixes your story.

The Characters Filter Area is found just above the Characters Toolbar. Selecting the Filtered/Unfiltered button turns the filters on and off. Selecting the Filters count button next to it opens the filters edit panel.

Storyfyre View, Filters, Display Area

From the Characters Toolbar you can open the Scenes View, Outline View, and Story Settings View. Each of these open into their own areas with their own functionality.

Storyfyre Scene Outline View, Characters View, Story Settings View

On all the Storyfyre area toolbars near the end are the Download, Projects, and Help buttons. Quick shortcut icons open the areas fast when you need them.

Storyfyre Download, Projects, Help Buttons

Everything you need and nothing you don't, to help you get your book done fast and clean. The Characters Toolbar quickly lets you navigate to any area or functionality that you need.

What this Tutorial Covers

Toolbar Basics

Here's a quick view of the Characters Toolbar functionality.

Storyfyre Characters: Toolbar


  • Left, Right, Scroll Buttons - Scroll Characters Area(click-hold/touch-hold). Double-click/double-tap to scroll to beginning/end.
  • Character Type - Filters the View based on the Character Type selected. See more in Characters Filters Help Area.
  • Views - Attributes View, Characters View, X-Small View, Scenes View, Outline View, Story Settings View.
    • Attributes View - Opens the Attributes View in the Characters Work Area. Displays Characters and Characters Attributes.
    • Characters View - Condensed view: Opens the Condensed Characters View in the Characters Work Area. Displays Characters and characters(attributes) using extended hover abilities.
    • X-Small View - Opens the X-Small View in Characters Work Area. Displays Characters in interactive X-Small View.
    • Scenes View - Opens the Scene Map View in its own Scene Map Work Area. Displays Scenes and Chapters.
    • Outline View - Opens the Scene Outline View in its own Scene Outline area and has its own specific functionalities. Displays/edits the Chapters, scenes, etc... in vertical outline and text format. All changes sync with the Scene Map: Scenes View automatically and vice versa.
    • Story Settings View - Opens the Story Settings View/Story Locations/Story & World Rules area in its own Story Settings View area and has its own specific functionalities. Displays/edits the Story Settings View/Story Locations/Story & World Rules, Story/World Groups, Story/World Items, images, and attributes. Manage your story's story settings here. Any of the things.
  • Download - Download/Export/Backup Story Map, Characters, Story Bible, Story Writing template, Text-Data files, WriterStat Files. See General: Download/Export/Backup Help
  • Projects - See Projects Area
  • Help - See Help Area

Characters: View/Filter Area

The Characters View/Filter Area is found just above the Characters Toolbar. (See more in Filters Help Area)

Storyfyre View, Filters, Display Area

The name of the currently selected Characters view is displayed in the Characters View/Filter Area.

Selecting the Filtered/Unfiltered (filters on/off)button will turn the filtered view on and off.

The icon indicator changes and lights up when Filtered view is selected(on). The icon indicator changes back to its original unlit status when Unfiltered view is selected(off).

  • The Unfiltered view shows you everything with no filters.
  • The Filtered view displays the Character View based on the selected filters/tags and Character Types, focusing your view.

Selecting the Filters Count button(View/Set) just to the right will open the filters side panel.

The filters side panel is where you can select, unselect, add, edit, reset, or delete filters, custom tags, Character Types.

Note: Character Types can only be added, edited, renamed, deleted from the Character Type dropdown area on the Characters View Toolbar.

Storyfyre Character Type Dropdown

The functionality for the Characters: Filter Area is discussed here: Characters: Filters


We know of some limits within the Characters, in each area we will try and list the ones we know of at the bottom, and ones which we intend to address with our future updates.

The Attributes View has no limits.

The Characters View is currently being tested and should be released in next version.

The X-Small View is currently being tested and in construction and should be released in next version.

The Character Type currently Defaults to All and will be updated shortly in next version.

The View/Filters Display area and Filters Button in the filters display area are currently uneditable. This area should be updated and opened shortly in the next version.

Storyfyre is growing daily, let us know what we can include. We appreciate your help.